Even by Emzy standards, this one is pretty epic. And it's such a ridiculous string of events, it's hard to decide where to start. So I'll take my cue from Fräulein Maria and start at the very beginning, a very good place to start.
And as it turns out, the beginning involves Emzy (and a couple other staff) managing a major medical crisis with one of the staff members at camp....in the middle of the night. She and the others who were with her finally made it to bed around 4:30 this morning and still managed to roll into breakfast on time.
She and Andrew had already planned to take another staff member (who broke her wrist this past weekend) to the hospital today for surgery to set the broken bone. They had a few hours to kill while she was in surgery, so the headed to Chipotle for a sneaky Code 11 (that was the code name for a Chipotle run at camp last summer). I got a google talk message that said, "OMG - the dad from Jon & Kate Plus 8 is HERE!!!" Of course I didn't exactly believe her, but my skepticism was later alleviated when she posted this:

It's a bit dark, and from a bad angle, but it's cool. I wouldn't want to be creepin on the guy when he was trying to enjoy his delicious burrito. And if that wasn't a random enough happening for the day, they met some new friends on the way back to the hospital. But not the way anyone else meets friends...
Driving down the street with their walkie talkies from camp hanging out in the cupholder, they started hearing some static. And the conversation went something like this:
Girl: Order one case of red pepper and one case of yellow pepper
Guy: Okay
Emzy: And a case of green peppers
Guy: What?
Emzy: Also order a case of green peppers
Guy: okay a case of red, yellow, and green peppers?
Guy: okay a case of red, yellow, and green peppers?
Girl: What?
Emzy: And a case of apples
Guy: What is going on? That's weird
Emzy: What's so weird about green peppers and apples?
Girl: Who is this?
Emzy: It's Emily
Girl: Hi Emily. Where are you?
Emzy: In the car, driving down the road. We heard you on our walkie talkies and thought I'd say hi
Girl: Oh cool! We always pick up other peoples' signals but nobody has ever said hi
Emzy: Where are you?
Girl: DSW. You should come in and say hi
Emzy: Maybe I will next time I'm there. What's your name?
Girl: Cory - I'm the store manager
Emzy: Okay cool!
WOW....that's all I have to say about that.
And just to top it all off, when they got back to the hospital, they got stuck in a revolving door. Somehow, I'm not at all surprised.