Monday, May 31, 2010

The One Where Emzy Didn't Have Anthrax

If you've ever had the pleasure of meeting her, you know good and well that my beloved sister Emzy tends to live life on the dramatic side. For instance, she recently developed a seasonal cough that I attribute to humidity and changing seasons. But of course, she insisted that she has the beginning of tuberculosis. I am sure this is because we discussed the various avenues of TB testing today at breakfast (you know, the little six-needled stamp vs. the sub-epidermal bubble).

The proclamation of her impending doom reminded me of a conversation she and I had about this time last year. It was in the middle of the media hype over the swine...I mean H1N1...flu epidemic. I was Google-Chatting her from work back in Indiana and it went something like this:

Me: So, Em, with all this talk on the news I keep waiting for you to call me and tell me you have the swine.
Emzy: lol...any day now, I'm sure!
Me: You know, just like you had West Nile, and the bird flu, and SARS, and Anthrax
Emzy: Hey, I never had Anthrax!

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