I can't even decide where to begin on this one. It is one of the most epic of Emzy's tales. But I'll take my cue from Fraulein Maria and start at the very beginning. Which is, of course, a very good place to start.
This story dates back to the summer of 2007. Both Emzy and I were working at camp - me for the summer and she for her full time job. During the week of staff orientation, we had a special evening that we cleverly named "Staff Fun Night." This year we went all out and rented a blow up jousting arena and water slide. I even bought an ice cream cone costume to wear while handing out various ice cream novelties. Kind of cannibalistic now that I think about it....
But anyway. Somewhere throughout the course of the evening, it started to rain. It went from torrential downpour that's perfect for summer-playing-in-the-rain to a light sprinkle and every level in between. And since I love playing in the rain, I was quite content. I hadn't planned on going on the water slide since I had just finished college and lost my health insurance (thanks a lot, Tricare...what an awesome graduation gift!) so I clearly didn't want to chance an injury. But I was already wet from the rain so why not?!?

And as it turns out I quite loved the slide. I couldn't get enough. Which is why I kind of missed the commotion that ensued. While I was waiting in line to climb back up the slide, Emzy went down the slide in tandem with one of the Australian girls. As the other girl went to stand up, her knee came up right into Emzy's chin. Emzy stood up and stumbled a little before proclaiming that she was dizzy.
If you've ever met her, you know that she's a tad bit dramatic, especially when it comes to illness and injury. But it wasn't long before I realized that this time, it was for real. I mean honestly though, ONLY EMZY would end up needing an ambulance from a BLOW UP WATERSLIDE. So this was slightly scary for me but also mildly amusing. Cause although Emzy is overly dramatic when she is hurt or ill, she doesn't want anyone to help make her better either.
So she was fighting off the EMTs and trying to tell them that she really was gonna be okay..she just needed to go to bed. HELLO CONCUSSION! One of the counselors ran to the cabin to get me dry clothes and a change of clothes for her and we were loaded up in the ambulance and on our way.
They didn't wait long before they allowed me back into the trauma room. Em was in and out of consciousness but relatively lucid when she was awake. The exact details of the hours we spent there are kind of fuzzy, but what I remember most is the following conversation when it came time to get her out of her wet clothes and off to radiology:
Nurse: Okay Emiy, we might have to cut off your clothes - is that okay?
Emzy: My shorts should come off easy. You can cut off my shirt. It's just a yoga top.
Nurse: Alright we'll see if we need to.
Emzy: Really it's okay - it's just one of those yoga tops. I only paid $3 for it.
Nurse: Okay - what about your swimsuit?
Emzy: Oh, no - you can't cut that - it's expensive. But my yoga top is not. You can cut that if you need to.
Me: Really Em?! Mom will buy you a new swimsuit if they have to cut it.
Emzy: But I don't want a new one - they can cut of the yoga top. It's just a yoga top. I don't really need the yoga top. But I have to keep the swimsuit.
Nurse: I think we'll be okay, Emily.
Emzy: Okay but it's really just a yoga top. It's okay if it doesn't last.
ENOUGH ALREADY WITH THE YOGA TOP....WE GET IT!!! That was my internal monologue.
And seriously. Only Emzy would be simultaneously concussed and concerned with educating the world on what kind of shirt she was wearing.

Oh, and then we went to Sheetz on the way back to camp. Yummy.
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