After a budding summer romance in 2008 turned into something a little more long term, Emzy decided that she couldn't pass up the chance to visit one Mr. Barry in his homeland of Turkey. And since her job was already flying her to the UK to recruit camp staff, it didn't cost much to tack on an extra trip to Istanbul. Barry was a student in Antalya in February of 2009. So to Antalya she went!
Emzy was met at the airport by Barry and, subsequently, a guy from the rental car company. I guess it was the Turkish version of Enterprise's "We'll Pick You Up" cause the guy then took them to a total sketchball warehouse in which they signed for the vehicle. And on a side note, let's thank good old Papa C (inspired by our Auntie Paula) for insisting that both Emzy and I learn to drive a stick-shift before moving on to an automatic transmission. [Full disclosure though, Emily is quite a pro at the standard transmission. I, on the other hand, can survive it only in dire circumstances.]
So here was Emzy, zipping around a foreign [non-English-speaking] country in a teensy weensy rental car. Now, for anyone who knew Emzy years ago, you will find this story so hard to believe. You will think I am just weaving tales because the Emzy you knew a decade ago would never travel to a country where she didn't speak the language and where they didn't serve your everyday American cuisine. But this new, grown-up Emzy is adventurous and willing to try new things. On a later trip to Turkey she even tried eating SEA URCHIN.
Moving on. Emzy did her research prior to her trip and had decided on several locations that she wanted to visit and things she wanted to do. It also happened that she was traveling there in the middle of winter, which is not exactly peak Mediterranean weather. So as they were traveling around, they ended up in a bit of snow. Quite a bit actually:

And they weren't sure how long the rental car would last in those conditions. Luckily, the rental car company wasn't TOO sketchy and supplied tire chains to use in case of inclement weather. Too bad neither Barry nor Emzy had any idea how to put them on. But as they were pulled over trying to figure it out, some nice gentlemen pulled over behind them and offered to help. They put on the chains and then asked them for 20 lira. Which is the equivalent of about $11. The only cash they could scrounge up was 15 lira. So they gave the guys approximately $8 (USD) and went on their merry way.
The old adage proves true here, that 'you get what you pay for.' As they were driving, they kept hearing this funny noise but just figured that's what the chains sound like when they're being driven on. And then a couple hours later, the SAME random guys on the highway flagged them down to tell them it was time to take off the chains. Please, someone tell me where I can apply for that job! Barry refused to pay them the second time, but when they got to the next town he and Emzy noticed that the chains had scratched up the car to all kinds of pieces. Sweet.
So as if that wasn't a random enough day, it gets better. A few days later they traveled to Cappadocia. Let me just briefly say that Cappadocia is one of the TOP FIVE places in the world I want to visit. It has been for quite some time. And here Emzy goes, gallivanting over to Turkey to take a sunrise hot air balloon ride over the place. But I'm not bitter.
As they are driving through one of the small towns, a Russian babushka-looking lady waves at them from the sidewalk and then proceeds to get into the backseat of the car. She is carrying all sorts of stuff...a regular bag lady I'm told. She yelled something at Barry in Turkish (I should note that whenever native speakers of Turkish are conversing, it always sounds as though they are angry) and they chatted for a bit. He told Emzy to keep driving a couple blocks and then let her out. Afterward, Emzy asked what had just happened. Barry responded with a simple, "I have no idea."
I really don't believe that things such as this happen in every day life. But Emzy continues to prove me wrong every day. Because, of course, there comes a time when the rental car must be returned. And if you recall, it was damaged. Since she had a flight at a weird time, Emzy had to return the car at approximately 2 o'clock in the morning. And because of the damage, the rental folks insisted that she go next door to the police station for a breathalyzer. Because she MUST have been intoxicated in order for that kind of damage. She couldn't really believe that it was happening, but went along anyway. And the police....they just laughed her out of the station!